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Messages - froobynooby

Appeal a ban / Re: GnarleyJoes ban
April 28, 2016, 04:46:01 PM
I have unbanned you, sorry you were banned in the first place. We usually look for erratic mining patterns when we're trying to decide if someone is an x-rayer, sometimes it can be difficult to tell if their mining style is what it is because they're an x-rayer or because that's just how they mine. The percentages that enigma posted tell us the percentage of a particular ore mined compared to the total amount of stuff you've mined, so you'd expect the diamond percentage to be quite low. Usually it will sit around 1%, so we'll usually investigate if we find it's much higher than this, as in your case.
Appeal a ban / Re: I was banned but I am sorry
April 25, 2016, 10:53:48 AM
Thank you for being honest. I've changed your ban to a 60 day jail sentence so you'll be able to play again in two months.
Appeal a ban / Re: BATboy895's ban appeal
April 16, 2016, 04:32:49 PM
It's been a year, I think you can have another chance.

Welcome back
Building contest / Re: Building contest: April
April 03, 2016, 10:07:21 AM
The map was built in March
Building contest / (Closed)Building contest: April
April 03, 2016, 08:54:23 AM
It's been a while since we've had a building contest, this is mostly to do with the map change, but now they're back. This month's theme will be jails. Since the map has reset we've lost all of the wonderfully creative jails we had from the last build contest, so we need to build up our collection again. If you build a jail and would like it to be officially used as one, ask an admin. All builds must be made and submitted in the month of April and must be made on the server.

Post screenshots of your build below to enter it.

Don't know how to post images?
Thanks, now I know how to trim the Chorus Plant.
Minecraft / 1.8 map download
March 05, 2016, 11:09:38 AM
Map from December 2013 - March 2016
December 2013
December 2013 nether + end
Warps and homes for this map: Warps and homes
Place the contents of this zip into your plugin folder and reload the server.

You can post points of interest in the comments if you wish.
Minecraft / Re: Server Map
February 28, 2016, 03:39:25 PM
There most definitely will be.
Projects / The Great FroobWorld Railway
February 28, 2016, 12:00:15 PM
As some of you may already be aware, when we update to 1.9 we will be cutting down on the amount of warps we set. Warps will no longer be for towns and farms they will instead only be for official things. To make up for this we will be making a gigantic rail system in the new map. There will be four main roads heading out from a central point in spawn going north, south, east and west. Players will be able to branch off the main track and make tracks going to their town, house, farm or whatever. It will be quite a large project and it would be great if everyone could get involved in some way, whether that be through donating items or actually helping to build it.

While we are waiting for the map to reset I thought we could plan the design of the railway so when we update we can get straight into it. The design will need to be pretty, easy to build and the materials will need to be easy to gather in bulk. There's no sense in making it out of diamond blocks. If you do actually have an idea of how it should look please post a reply to this topic.
Appeal a ban / Re: 1.9, will i be...
February 26, 2016, 07:46:05 PM
You will be unjailed in 43 days, but when 1.9 is released you will be able to walk around the world as the jail you are currently in will not exist, you still won't be able to do anything though. I must warn you that if I find that you have griefed again you will be banned, this is the second time you've been caught.
Minecraft / Re: New 1.9 Map ?'s
February 26, 2016, 07:43:47 PM
It will be resetting sometime in the next week, they've delayed the release of 1.9 until the 29th.
Appeal a ban / Re: multiple appeals
February 18, 2016, 04:27:15 PM
Looking up your history on other servers you seem to have no other interest than griefing and breaking the rules. You also posted our server on a griefing subreddit.
Go away.
Information / Area protection
February 06, 2016, 11:30:39 AM
The area protection plugin we use has received a big update. The biggest part of the update is the ability to request areas. Loyalists and up now have the ability to request their own protected areas which will need to be approved by a staff member.
Here's how you request an area of yours to be protected:

First you go to the area that you want protected. In this case I would like to protect my farm so that no one can let my pigs loose.

To protect an area you need to specify two positions, these describe the corners of the area. The positions can be selected by using a clay ball, left-clicking with it selects one position and right-clicking selects the other. The positions can also be selected using /position1 and /position2, or /p1 and /p2 for the lazier ones amongst us, or /pos1 and /pos2 for those who are lazy but not as lazy as those who use /p1 and /p2.
I selected one corner of the pig pen as position 1

and the other corner as position 2.

Now I am ready to request the area. To do this, type /requestarea <areaname> where <areaname> is the name of the area, make sure that there are no spaces in the name and also make sure that the name makes sense, in my case I named it FroobyFarm.

The request will be sent and if any staff members are online they will be alerted, otherwise staff members will be alerted when they log in that there are areas pending approval and they will review it then. They will teleport to the area and make sure that what you are protecting is yours and that the size of the area is reasonable. If they find everything to be in order they will approve it, otherwise they will deny it. While you are waiting for your area to be approved you can add users to it using the /area command so that when it is approved, your friends can continue to build there.

The staff commands are:
/area  listrequests - List areas that are awaiting approval.
/area <area> teleport - Teleport an area requesting approval.
/area <area> accept - Accept an area requesting approval.
/area <area> deny - Deny an area requesting approval.

Sub areas
Another part of the update is the addition of sub areas. A sub area is a part of an already existing area that has different rules to that area. You could, for instance, protect an entire town and allow no building in that town and add a sub area for each plot in the town that allows building. This would mean that players would be able to build on the plots, but not in any other parts of the town, despite the plots being inside the town's main area. To make a sub area, when speciying the name of the area instead of using <areaname> use <parentname>:<areaname> where <parentname> is the name of the area to which you are adding the sub area. If I wanted to add a sub area to my pig farm, for example, I would set the two positions and type /requestarea FroobyFarm:Gate. This would add a sub area named "Gate" to the area FroobyFarm. To request a sub area, you must be the owner of the parent area. Also, you can add sub areas to sub areas, and sub areas to those sub areas and so on.

It is also possible to lock horses, we've had this for a while but not a lot of people knew about it. To lock a horse, all you need to do is get on the horse and type /horse protect. This will lock the horse in your name. If you want to unlock the horse type /horse unprotect. You can also add your friends to the horse that you've protected. To do this, get on the horse and type /horse adduser <user> where <user> is the name of your friend. To remove them all you need to is type /horse remuser <user> while you're on the horse. You can also type /horse info to toggle the information tool which tells you who a horse is locked by when you click it. If you find that your horse has been locked without your permission you can create a grief report and a staff member will unlock it for you. To learn about reporting visit this link,461.0.html.
Information / Reporting
January 17, 2016, 03:30:11 PM
You can now report certain things in game using /report. You can report a user who is breaking a rule, a bug that you've found, grief that you have found and you can report a staff member who is breaking a rule. A staff member, or froobynooby in the case of a staff report, will then review the report when they are next on. If you a reporting grief or a bug it is important to be standing at the site of the grief or bug when you submit the report, as the staff member reviewing it will be able to teleport to that area to investigate. If you a reporting a staff member or a user be sure to take screenshots, upload them to and include the link to the images in the message of your report, it will make it a lot easier for the staff member reviewing it.

Here's a scenario:

froobynooby was adventuring in the wilderness when suddenly...

He comes across a griefed house!

At first he panics, but then he realises that he can submit a report!

And so he does.

The next day... froobynooby remembers that he's an admin. He reads the report that he submitted the day before.

And he teleports to it.

Using his admin powers, he rolls it back!

And all lived happily ever after.
Appeal a ban / Re: Nyvyan ban appeal
December 29, 2015, 02:36:35 PM
I saw that you were mining a lot of diamonds at 0% light from the console, I made a note to investigate it when I next got on. I got on, found where you were mining and concluded that you were x-raying.