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Messages - froobynooby

Building contest / (Closed)Building contest: January
January 07, 2015, 07:32:15 AM
It has been a while since our last build contest, so to start out the new year we're going to have one. This month's theme is 1.8, this means your build must incorporate something that was introduced in 1.8. The build must also be made on the server and made in January.

To submit your build, post screenshots of it in the replies before January is over.

Don't know how to post images?
Try to teleport away as  soon as you log on, it should fix it.
It looks like you lagged a little bit and were mistaken for flying. You weren't banned though, just kicked. It happens all of the time :p
Minecraft / We are on 1.8
December 05, 2014, 04:20:09 PM
Yeah, we're running 1.8. The map has been expanded westward 7,000 blocks, doubling the size of the map. A new spawn has been made in this new part of the map so you can teleport to there using /spawn, you'll be in the middle of the new area.

If you have lost your inventory after the change please send me a message by typing "/mail send froobynooby lost inventory". If you want to get your stuff back as soon as possible place all of your items into a regular chest before you log off and send me another message saying you have done so.

See you all around.
Minecraft / FroobWorld 1.8
December 02, 2014, 08:26:39 PM
Hey everyone, the team over at spigot have released a CraftBukkit and Spigot build for 1.8. This means we can use 1.8 with all of the new features and still have plugins. So hopefully the server will be running on 1.8 sometime this week, that is if all of the plugins still work.
See you all around.
Minecraft / Re: Achievement City
November 16, 2014, 07:35:54 AM
Is it hollow?
Minecraft / Re: Minecraft issues
October 21, 2014, 08:08:02 PM
Seems like the connection between the server and client isn't happening. This happens to me sometimes when my internet is particularly slow, but I also live very far from the server so it may also have something to do with that. Not that much I can do to help, sorry :/
Minecraft / Re: Minecraft issues
October 20, 2014, 07:42:17 PM
What does it say when you're disconnected?
Building contest / (Closed)Building contest: October
October 05, 2014, 08:34:49 AM
This month's theme for the building contest is Flowers. Anything which incorporates flowers in some way is allowed to be entered. You could make a giant flower pot, a giant flower, a normal sized flower, a medium size flower, a large medium sized flower, Bill and Ben the Flower Pot Men pixel art(loved that show), use your imagination.

Post your screenshots in the replies below.
Minecraft / Sponge
September 24, 2014, 08:13:17 AM
From the way things looks now we may not be using Bukkit in the future. Any progress on Bukkit has been halted due to legal reasons, this and the majority of the staff leaving has caused a new project called Sponge to gain a lot of popularity. Thousands have already decided that they will be using Sponge over Bukkit once it is complete, and we most likely will be too. This might mean a bit of waiting for the important plugins to be ported over to Sponge which may take a little while, but we will still be running 1.7.5 until that is all done.
Minecraft / Re: Troubling news
September 12, 2014, 06:35:04 AM
Mojang owns Bukkit, it's not shutting down. Dinnerbone is going to be updating it to 1.8 himself.
Building contest / Re: Building contest: August
September 08, 2014, 03:35:19 PM
Vote for who you think should win the contest.
Minecraft / Minecraft 1.8
September 07, 2014, 08:31:39 PM
Minecraft version 1.8 has officially been released. The server will be updating as soon as it possibly can, which should hopefully be once Bukkit updates to 1.8. There may be some delays, however, as important plugins will need to be updated to use the new UUID system instead of the current name system which they use. This is so you can keep your homes, ranks and so players stay banned once name changing is introduced.

1.8 is a very large update and a large portion of the Bukkit team has resigned. This may mean that Bukkit will take a while to update. The server will remain on 1.7.5 until the plugins are updated and Bukkit is released for 1.8.

When the server is up and running on 1.8 we will expand the borders westward, doubling the current size of the map. A new spawn will be made in the new part of the map as well as a new Spawn Town. We may also have a couple new admins joining the team as our beloved chief won't be able to spend as much time with us any more.

Have fun.
Minecraft / (Over)Treasure hunt 4
July 31, 2014, 08:23:38 PM
Treasure hunt is back! Get your name on the patented Wall of Froobs by finding the hidden treasure!

You can get to the treasure hunting area by warping to /warp treasure.

This map shows the area in which the treasure is located. The treasure will be on an island and it will be visible without having to dig, it will not be in the water.

Building contest / (Closed)Building contest: August
July 31, 2014, 07:44:14 PM
It's about time for a new building contest. This month you will be building something round. You could build a round tower, a dome, a sphere, a pickle, as long as it's round it counts.

Post screenshots of what you have built below to enter, the winner will get everything in the donation chest at spawn.