In-game Name: _Cason_
Reason for ban: It says Theft
My side: I really do not understand why I was banned. If there was something that went on that I don't know about please let me know and it will be returned. I changed my password around a week ago due to my cousin using it and messing around on various servers. I came back on and nothing seemed to be wrong, but it seems that something occurred. As I said, I would like to know of ANYTHING stolen, so I can return it promptly. Thank you for reading this and I hope this can be resolved. As you might know, I have/had become a very active player. Thanks again.. Cason
You stole some miscellaneous items from Swankywhov (me) that were in some unmarked chests by my sheep farm. If it was your cousin, please know that we do not accept "someone used my account" as a valid excuse. If you thought since they weren't marked, you could take from them, that is still considered theft. But since you have been an active member, you can be let off with a small jail sentence and then you can be on your way.
Would you like to tell me what was taken so it can be returned? I can understand why that could be used by anyone as an excuse, but please know I am not lying. I understand why the actions are being taken. I appreciate you being kind about this and I want you to be assured that it will not happen again. Thanks.. Cason
54 diamonds