Ban reason: xraying
my side of the story: I was mining for like an hour around the diamond level and as anyone else would have, i found alot of stuff like redstone, lepis, iron, coal, and of course diamond.... i just started playing mine craft like a month ago because my fiance wanted someone to play with. i got off and enigma started questioning MagicalUnknown (my fiance) asking if i had an xray on. I did not and she told him/her the texture packs and mods that i have. none of them are used to cheat. my fiance found this server saying it was a nice server. so far i disagree because the 2nd time i logged in and mined for an hour (because all i really like to do in minecraft is mine) i get banned because i put in time to mine stuff... if i have to ill find a different server to mine on. but my fiance likes this one and she doesnt want to leave it... but she will if i cant play on this one..
Anything to add: I know this appeal isnt the nicest thing in the world but i was enjoying the server too and the next time i try to log in i cant. if i didnt like it i wouldnt have sat here and made an acc on the website and wrote all of this. and im sure anyone would be a tad bit mad for getting banned for MINING on MINEcraft....
My Report:
A few days ago, I had logged into the server and jokingly stated "Are you hacking!?" aimed at no one in particular. I noticed a few new grey names including GnarleyJoe. Per habit, I /os'd the new player and noticed the following mining rates for GnarleyJoe.
Stone: 1242 - 87.9%
Coal: 20 - 1.42%
Iron: 60 - 4.25%
Gold: 8 - 0.57%
Lapis: 14 - 0.99%
Emerald: 0 - 0%
Diamond: 35 - 2.48%
I immediately teleported to Gnarley to watch for any signs of xray - at the time I teleported to him, he was standing in an oddly-mined tunnel (random directions), everything mined at 0% light (no torches).
A few seconds after I ported to Gnarley, he teleported back home and logged off immediately. (All of this happened within a minute of me making the "Are you hacking?!" statement.)
I made a user report and a grief report (for location of the tunnel). Grape had investigated further and found that Gnarley may have been using Xray.
I looked into some of the mods that Gnarley uses - such as Lucky Block and TreeCapitator (for 1.7) and found that they are clientside mods for use in Forge to enhance the single-player gaming experience.
Based on his testimonial, I believe that I teleported to him without being hidden... I also believe he is telling the truth and should be given another chance due to my errors, also, I believe he's telling the truth.
I dont get much of what you just said... but basically what i hear is because i mine in random directions (which is what i always do cause i do get a little bored) and because i mined more diamond than u normally would (when im at the level known to find the most diamonds) i am just automatically hacking? im sorry but thats bull.... i understand why u would be suspicious but i mean im sure some people on this server has over 100 diamonds in their chests from a couple days of mining alot.... why are they not being banned? I do not read the chat much at all, so i did not see the "are you hacking" message. i seen someone next to me and i thought my pvp was enabled so i quick tped home and when he folowed me to my house i thought he had some sort of hack on and i did not want to die so i quickly logged off... i did not know that people in charge could tp to players so i understand that may have also been suspicious... but again i do not know much about minecraft i am a new player to the whole game so please cut me some slack. and to ur last point about torches, i have my screen on highest brightness so i can see pretty good without torches and i have it that way cause i dont like to stop every 5 or so blocks to lay a torch... Like i said if you guys dont believe me then fine ill go play on another server. Im not trying to make a huge fuss. i just really like the server u guys have and my fiance has put alot of work and time in to this server but all that work can be done on another server as well... I hope you guys give me a chance on your server, and have a wonderful night....
I have unbanned you, sorry you were banned in the first place. We usually look for erratic mining patterns when we're trying to decide if someone is an x-rayer, sometimes it can be difficult to tell if their mining style is what it is because they're an x-rayer or because that's just how they mine. The percentages that enigma posted tell us the percentage of a particular ore mined compared to the total amount of stuff you've mined, so you'd expect the diamond percentage to be quite low. Usually it will sit around 1%, so we'll usually investigate if we find it's much higher than this, as in your case.
well thank you for the unban. next time i get tped to i wont freak out and log off cause i will know its not someone to kill me. Im sorry for the hassle this has caused. hopefully it doesn't happen again. :)