
Help => Appeal a ban => Topic started by: Exor on February 18, 2016, 08:20:22 AM

Title: multiple appeals
Post by: Exor on February 18, 2016, 08:20:22 AM
on 3 different accounts


Ban reason: XRay

What actually happened: mining to diamonds, not much to say

Anything else we should know: nope, won't do it again

Ban reason: Publik_enemy, unproved xray

What actually happened: I found a diamond vein off a dug path and found diamonds, then i showed panda two open sources of diamonds which handj helped me get, I prooved i did not do the two towards the end of the mine but the one off the beaten path I did

Anything else we should know: this account I worked hard on, but the mods need to not be abusive and rude. After careful explanation panda said specifically you did not show me any evidence and proceeded to ban me even though i showed her where we started to strip mine.

Ban reason: alt

What actually happened: didn't feel like appealing so I made a backup because it's annoying dealing with mods who are below floping retarded.

Anything else we should know: nope
Title: Re: multiple appeals
Post by: froobynooby on February 18, 2016, 04:27:15 PM
Looking up your history on other servers you seem to have no other interest than griefing and breaking the rules. You also posted our server on a griefing subreddit.
Go away.