
Discussion => Off-topic => Topic started by: FreakyTiki on June 26, 2015, 04:54:01 AM

Title: I'm Back! ...Probably
Post by: FreakyTiki on June 26, 2015, 04:54:01 AM
Hello everyone!

I am back from the dead. I haven't been on in a long while. I've been quite busy the past couple of months, but now that I am on summer break I should have more time to play! During this little vacation from Minecraft I've been quite a busy bee. At first, I was swamped with school projects and studying for final exams, but at the same time participating in sports and working at my job. I had very little free time to spend playing games, unfortunately. What little time I had, I was chasing a girl. I juggled all these things and came out all right by the time the end of school rolled around, but I still wasn't free to go. I had been planning and paying for (hence the working) a trip to Japan to study Japanese and of course sight-see and goof off. I went alone, which was an experience in itself. While there I enjoyed all the sights and scenery, even though I admit I didn't learn a whole lot of Japanese. But what can you do, you know? There's only so much you can understand after being in another culture for a couple of weeks. Anyways, I'm back now, quite enlightened, ready to put all my inspiration into construction! The rest of my summer is still quite busy, studying for SAT exams and planning events and whatnot, but I'll be trying to get on the server more consistently. Also, I think it's worth noting that the girl I was chasing is my girlfriend now, so yay me! haha.

I was bummed to miss out on participating in May's building contest. Chiefy didn't deserve that easy win! I hope there will be one for July so I can reclaim my domination of the building contests. Of course, it's up to all of you to unseat me  ;)

Hope to see you around, Froobians!

Title: Re: I'm Back! ...Probably
Post by: TheChief13 on June 26, 2015, 05:55:59 AM
i won fair and square!
Title: Re: I'm Back! ...Probably
Post by: FreakyTiki on June 26, 2015, 07:46:50 AM
Quote from: 13chiefcm on June 26, 2015, 05:55:59 AM
i won fair and square!
You did, you did. But you may have trouble winning by such a landslide next time there's a contest.
Title: Re: I'm Back! ...Probably
Post by: TheChief13 on June 26, 2015, 08:14:07 AM
next time there's a contest i might actually try!.... maybe... if i can be bothered.... i dont think i could be bothered...
Title: Re: I'm Back! ...Probably
Post by: FreakyTiki on June 26, 2015, 03:32:51 PM
I'd appreciate the challenge, as much a challenge as you can muster. Building contests are no fun when no one else tries! But please don't be too disappointed when you lose.. >;-D
Title: Re: I'm Back! ...Probably
Post by: TheChief13 on June 26, 2015, 08:37:44 PM
When i want to i can be a really good builder. I'm just extremely lazy and never bother to finish anything i start so if i do try next time.. well i hope you like butter because you're toast!

(Sorry for the awefull joke)