Ban reason: i wasnt banned but i was jailed for 4 days and i havent been told why
What actually happened: i dont know why i was jailed or what happend because i havent been on for a few days
Anything else we should know: i havent done anything wrong that i know of and this is just a post asking why i was jailed?
the first few hours since you joined on your first day you stole from a chest which wasn't stated as public although I had rolled it back, just serve your time then you can go back to for the rules it's against the rules to steal from a chest that isn't yours and walking into a built location and taking things is pretty self explanatory as stealing...
if you agree not to steal "or at least make sure it's publicly available" I will lift the jail sentence
i am deeply sorry and didnt realize i had stolen anything and swear not to steal anything again and make sure it has a public sign i do not remember me stealing anything from a chest but i am still sorry.