
Help => Appeal a ban => Topic started by: GalacticStriker on March 23, 2015, 12:37:59 AM

Title: Why was I banned?
Post by: GalacticStriker on March 23, 2015, 12:37:59 AM
I was banned apparently for "Being rude to staff". Here's what actually happened, I asked kendra17997 what my chances were on getting vet+. Then 13chiefcm started getting really mean because he said I was asking for ranks but I wasn't "asking". Then I said I didn't want this to turn into a big argument, I was trying to be calm. Then I was muted and jailed while telling him I was gonna be calm about it. Then when he unmuted me and I said why are you being so mean he banned me. Then 5 minutes later he unbanned me, when I got back on I asked what did I do to you? and he perm banned me after that. That's why I was banned, please unban me. Thanks.
P.S. I changed my Minecraft name to RetroGamer2468. Also sorry if I was a bit harsh 13chiefcm. You have always been one of my favorites, please forgive me.  :(
Title: Re: Why was I banned?
Post by: GalacticStriker on March 23, 2015, 12:44:56 AM
Please unban me so I can have fun on this server I love! :D
Title: Re: Why was I banned?
Post by: TheChief13 on March 23, 2015, 05:18:47 AM
you are not being unbanned. you were openly rude to me and kendra for the second time. you then called me a ****, do not say that that isnt swearing as the stars stand in place for the word. the first time you was rude to kendra you made her really upset and someone as nice as kendra should need feel that way on a server where everyone knows and likes her. you are not being unbanned.