Should we give Oriole a second chance and let him enjoy our awesome server once more?
Option 1: Yes, because we are kind and forgiving people who do second chances.
votes: 5
Option 2: No
votes: 0
Ban Reason: Stealing
What actually happened:
I do admit to stealing :-[ and I take full responsibility. But by the grace of Froob, I wish to be given a second chance. I absolutely love this server, and I cant believe I made such stupid mistakes by stealing like I did. I didn't steal out of the menace of my heart to lash out at any particular player, I just saw what I wanted in the chest I took it out of the stupid greed I had at the time :( I have thought about my bad actions, and now deeply regret them. I regret even thinking of doing such a thing. I love this server and I wish to continue playing and contributing, and introducing new players! I am very sorry, please give me a second chance. I promise never to break the ultimate froobworld laws again.
Something else you should know:
Because I broke the rules, I am willing to serve my time in jail if I am unbanned. I am also willing to be super de-ranked as well! Also, shouldn't I get a warning and a stern talk instead of just trying to join weeks after the crime and then finding out I was banned? I also stole because the people I stole from (as far as I can remember, it happened a long time ago :P) were never on when I was on, so I thought they had quit the server, and I wanted to give their old stale items a use, instead of sitting in chests.