
Help => Appeal a ban => Topic started by: Demonbabe on February 10, 2015, 11:49:19 PM

Title: Why was i banned?
Post by: Demonbabe on February 10, 2015, 11:49:19 PM
Ban reason: Animal Theft

What actually happened: I dont know what this is talking about... if its to do with the horse at SpawnTown Kendra Said i could have it

Anything else we should know: i dont think i have any screens shots
Title: Re: Why was i banned?
Post by: TheChief13 on February 11, 2015, 01:54:13 AM
well there was a horse at spawntown called flame that was reported stolen. he told me what the horse looked like and we started looking. i eventualy found it in a small pen inside of your house.

Title: Re: Why was i banned?
Post by: Demonbabe on February 11, 2015, 07:38:39 AM
That horse Was on my plot in SpawnTown for a week, Kendra Even said that to me. i didnt want to kill it (was where the lava was going) so i moved it while i was building my house. i never stole the horse why would i? ive been playing on this server for over a year now and love this server
Title: Re: Why was i banned?
Post by: TheChief13 on February 11, 2015, 08:02:31 AM
Ok i can understand what you're saying here. sorry for the inconvenience and welcome back to the server!