Ban reason: Theft
What actually happened: When i first joined the server when id run into a place with unprotected chests or be exploring a building or the world I would take a few items from the chest, i wouldn't take the whole stack and i would only take easily replaceable items... but even thought that's the case i still stole from people
Anything else we should know: Kendra gave me a warning for taking something from the tower in spawn town. i only stole things the first couple days when i joined. if you un-ban me and give me a list of what Ive taken i will gladly return what i stole and more.
If you are going to keep me banned i would at least like to know for how long the ban stays... this is the best server Ive found in my years of playing minecraft and id hate to be Permanently banned for the small things I took.
if there's anything i can do to shorten the ban in any way please let me know
It is true that you only stole cobble and stuff like that. However, my main problem lies in the conversation you had with another player (please see pic below) where you openly admitted to stealing from people.
This is the screenshot of the stuff you took from one of the chests.
The rules specifically state no stealing. Myself and other players offered to help with items... I even told you about the donation chests in town. But still you stole. And the fact that you make it a practice to steal from players does not look good for your Ban Appeal.
The conversation i had with him may have looked like a serious thing but i don't steal constantly in servers, on froobworld i only stole when i first joined so id have some stuff to get started, and i didn't think anyone would mind because they were such small easy to obtain items, but i shouldn't have taken them either way. Earlier that day Enigma had said that he knows things about everyone on the server, when i asked about me his description was pretty close, but i wanted to joke a bit so i acted like i was a thief in real life. Now i see that the things i said to him look a lot more serious than i intended and that i should have told him it wasn't true
On froobworld i did steal small things when i first started out, but i stopped taking stuff a couple days before my name turned light green... I only took items and such within the first week, when you gave me a warning i had already stopped taking stuff, on the screenshot where my name is listed taking stuff it shows that I took those items 12 days ago. if there's a record of how long its been since i joined that server you can see that the items i took were only from the first couple days. when you gave me the warning about taking stuff i had already stopped. I still look into others chests if its unlocked out of curiosity but i stopped stealing stuff a while ago.
I apologize if some things i say above seem redundant, it's just how i tend to type
it is minor theft and i can understand the joking thing. i do it all the time. and you have done a lot on the server but please dont do this sort of thing again. if we find that you stole anything else after today you will be banned instantly. so with that warning.. welcome back!
Thank you so much ^.^ ill be on my best behavior