
Help => Appeal a ban => Topic started by: Xnaut on January 11, 2015, 08:23:47 AM

Title: Ban appeal
Post by: Xnaut on January 11, 2015, 08:23:47 AM
Name your topic: xnuat412's ban appeal.

Ban reason: I stole.

What actually happened: I admit I did steal, but I got no warning. I came on one day and was banned.

Anything else we should know: I want to be unbanned because I sincerely like the FroobWorld community. The server is great, as it is one of the few real semi-vanilla servers you can find with friendly people and no hackers. Plus, I got no warning from somebody. Most people get them, so I expected that. Instead, I was immediately banned. I was a dedicated player on that server, and helped many other people. I was nice and helpful to people. I gave free items to starter players, guided them around, protected them from mobs. I built and gave materials to a player named matrix1017 and built a house for him. I love the server, community, and the kindness of the players on the server itself. I want to be unbanned because I love the server and wish to play on it. So please, give me a second chance.    :)
Title: Re: Ban appeal
Post by: froobynooby on January 15, 2015, 01:38:46 PM
I've unbanned you. But you should know that very, very few people get second chances from us, it's almost always a straight up ban.
Title: Re: Ban appeal
Post by: Xnaut on January 19, 2015, 07:58:59 AM
Thank you so much!