
Help => Appeal a ban => Topic started by: Quishcraft on December 30, 2014, 11:26:28 AM

Title: Quishcraft's ban appeal
Post by: Quishcraft on December 30, 2014, 11:26:28 AM
Ban reason: Griefing

What actually happened: To my  knowledge I have never destroyed any other player's blocks. I have Build in Old Town with permission and I own a house on an Island. If the accusation is griefing I am innocent, I am no griefer and you can ask Enigma and Mans... I believe they will vouch on my behalf. I will admit that if the accusation was stealing then I would be guilty of taking tools from an unmarked home. I also had an instence where I had to get a Bow to AlphaPanda and had to remove it from a chest that was hers but was unlocked.

Anything else we should know: I don't know if I deserve to be allowed to return but I can promise you that I will be extremely careful to not break any more rules and I feel that I am a valuable member of FroobWorld. I feel that I owe and apology to any players affected by my crimes and if I find who, they will receive that apology and I would like to apologize to whom ever has to take time out of their day to take care of my case and to the people of FroodWorld. I hope to be back soon if at all possible.
Title: Re: Quishcraft's ban appeal
Post by: enigmaforceiv on December 30, 2014, 02:56:07 PM
Hi Quishqash,

I'm sorry you got banned - I'll let the admins explain what happened - something about a sea lantern.

Anyways, I know that I've only been playing for a week and a half so my attestment may have very little weight to it. However, I would like to put in a few words regarding Qu's ban. I believe that Quin did not intend to destroy - especially if it happened in a prismarine(sp?).

My reasoning stems from his involvement with Old Town ( Mansfield and I have taken many hours to develop Old Town and because of how busy we've been trying to organize the town, many chests have been left unlocked. We also own a vault that carries diamonds, gold, silver and emerald blocks in which Quishcraft has knowledge of (by accidental exploration) and could have had access and grief'd without our knowledge.

Quiff is our second citizen to Old Town and has proven to be a big asset to the town (more than our first citizen...) by assisting in several projects in which he has returned all items and resources given to him. His personality out shines others in the town and he is always very ecstatic when it comes to partaking in a new project. He also follows the rules we've provided to him to the tee.

For the record, myself and mansfield did not know Quifshaft until he started to participate in the building of Old Town.

Mansfield and I believe Quifship should be allowed back onto the server.



If we do not see you again, we have written an obituary for you in the depths of Old Town crypts. Your home will remain on the plot assigned to you as a memorial to your generosity and your assistance in building Old Town.

If someone moves into your home, and you do come back (by the power of Server), you will have priority over your home and you can move back in.

RIP in pieaces Quifcraft. We'll miss you.

Title: Re: Quishcraft's ban appeal
Post by: Mustangmaster on December 30, 2014, 03:16:22 PM
Hello Quishcraft!


Looks like the forums had an error and didn't save my full post, keeping this here.

Title: Re: Quishcraft's ban appeal
Post by: DawnStrike on December 30, 2014, 03:19:20 PM
I miss you Quishcraft :'( I hope you can get back on, it also probably sucks that u mined like 48 diamonds and then got banned... A sane griefer wouldn't get on a server to grief and mine 48 diamonds, and THEN grief so they can get banned, that is SOOOOOO much work.... Hope the admins let you back on :'(    :-\ :-[
Title: Re: Quishcraft's ban appeal
Post by: Creeperslayer099 on December 30, 2014, 03:22:39 PM
Quote from: Mustangmaster on December 30, 2014, 03:16:22 PM
Hello Quishcraft!

Beautiful, couldn't of said it better myself
Title: Re: Quishcraft's ban appeal
Post by: Mustangmaster on December 30, 2014, 03:24:07 PM
Hello Quishcraft!     

     You apparently griefed (not saying you did) some sea lanterns. I was on when the player asked an admin about broken blocks and he logged the places. However, your work was really appreciated and you shall be given a spot on the contributors list of the Guardian Farm. I hope you come back soon.

Best Regards,



(Retyped from that error)

Title: Re: Quishcraft's ban appeal
Post by: Quishcraft on December 30, 2014, 05:37:43 PM
I did a bad thing and remember. I was galavanting in a cave only to find those rooms which later lead to A build that so happened to be in spawn town and while i was some distance from spawn town when I started I figured I had found a un inhabited underground cave home. Later to find out it was a sporting area of some sort or a farm or something? I believe admitting to that crime is at hand and I am sorry, I was caught up in getting ores that I had not thought twice about it. I would like the chance to make it up and I am not in  any place to lie so I will not. I broke about 7 - 8 prismarine lanterns. I believe in second chances... I don't screw up often but I screwed up bad, I stole valuable materials from someone who needed them. I apologize to the owner of that cave and If I am to return then I will work to get those laterns replaced and then something more to show my condolences. And to everyone who misses me; I am sorry I let you guys down. I wish the best for Old Town, the Best for Mustang's gaurdian farm, and I hope I can return to the coolest group of minecrafters I have ever met. You guys hold the place together for me while I'm gone. ;D Miss you guys...
Title: Re: Quishcraft's ban appeal
Post by: TheChief13 on December 31, 2014, 07:53:52 AM
You seem like a nice person and the grief wasnt that bad but it was still grief so i will give you a warning to never grief again. and a lot of people seem to like you and it is true that someone who puts time into something wouldnt mess themselves over by griefing.

welcome back to the server!
Title: Re: Quishcraft's ban appeal
Post by: Kyle10Mason on January 22, 2015, 08:19:28 AM
Congrats quishcraft on getting back I'm going threw the same thing I mined 29 diamonds so hopefully I can get back on and get unbanned