Ban reason: Thief
My side: I was coming back from getting a new horse and I saw a new guys house, went in and looked around found and open chest and looked in it and found some horse armor. I took a diamond armor and put it on my new horse to see what it would look like. then my mom called me and told me I had to unpack (because I just came back from a trip) and I forgot to take it off my horse and took it back to my stable and logged off unpacked and ate lunch. When I came back to log in it said I was banned and I asked SAS to log on to see why I got banned he told me and now I writing this.....
Anything else we should know: I'll give it back, I don't think its such a big deal, and if who's ever house it was wants like a half stack of diamonds for all the trouble they can have it.
PS: A ban for something like this is kind of stupid in my opinion, what could have been done is the next time I log on the admin that's on just says there was a complaint that you took stuff from said person and I checked the logs and you did look in their chest so if you have it give it back, if you deny doing it you get banned but if you give it back then you get a warning if anything like that happens again then you get banned for a few days or something. But in saying this the admin that banned me it chief so I'm not surprised that I got banned.
the rules say no theft and it is bannable. you are right in saying its not much so aslong as ya do put it back, i'll unbann ya. just dont do this again.