lol I'm kinda bored and feel like editing skins...and i made a assassin grape (told you I was bored :P)
i have a feeling grape with a knife would do more harm to herself than anything
lol good point *deletes skin*
Lol I could upload this to my skin and troll Grape, but im not gonna do dat cuz imma good boy :3
Dont troll grape... She.. she is going to do something if u troll her xD
i'll troll grape any day >:D
U devil!!! :D
lol :)
Yea Chief is big devil if someone troll him... Just dont troll him he (I didnt wrote is for a reason) big devil :D
lol (again)
How did I not see this post before... and for all you know I could be a professional cook! (because they use lots of knives and such)