
Community => Introduce yourself => Topic started by: Quishcraft on December 31, 2014, 01:56:51 PM

Title: I'm Quishcraft and this is my story.
Post by: Quishcraft on December 31, 2014, 01:56:51 PM
I think we have all been there. You play the game offline and lose that luster that Minecraft once provided. You've done all you can do on survival and it leaves you wanting more. Because there was s something missing. I had something missing and so did all of you guys at one point. You needed someone to share the experience with and so I started one or the most up and down crazy adventures of my gaming career. I began my search for a server to call home and this journey lasted more than a year. Between over populated servers, really laggy servers, annoying servers. The list goes on and I found it. The place I belong and this is not advertisement but the server was amazing and I had no complaints and was very similar to FroobWorld except it had a money system and was fairly small by big enough. I was there for about three months and then the day came. I was an admin at the time and one day the server died. Not a word from the owner. No more server and so I began my journey again and thank god it wasn't as long of a journey. I found my Froobtastic community and you guys made me feel so at home! I spent a little while alone in a cabin and I made friends more and mor sand then Stumbled across my home of Old Town. An amazing place that really stays down to earth. That's my story and about me? I'm an above average red stone mechanic and study up on it daily. I am extremely understanding and always as sincere as possible. I also want to take this time to thank the mods/ admins for allowing me to return home. I would not have blamed you for not allowing me back but you did and I can't thank you enough for that. And I hope I can't show you that you made the right choice by allowing me to return. I can't wait to come back but for now I actually got another job so I now have three and I need to focus on school work but once my life stabilizes a bit I will be back to we Mansfield, EnigmaForceIV, my two favorite Alpha's! (Miner and Panda). But until then I need to work on grades because vacation to s over and it should only be about a week of absence and I know that sounds like a long time but I'll be back before you know it guys! This is me and this was my story.
Title: Re: I'm Quishcraft and this is my story.
Post by: enigmaforceiv on January 02, 2015, 04:33:31 AM
Hi Quishcraft,

Since the Server and its guardians have shown mercy on your soul by letting you return to FroobWorld, we have found that your property has failed several building code inspections.

See the following memories:


1. Overgrown Vines and Up heaved Dirt
2. Destroyed/Vandalized Windows
3. Creeper and Spider Infestations
4. Animals are now living in your vault.

Based on the fact that you are taking time to complete several tests for the server, including working redemption time and researching in the school of Server - we are absolving all of your violations and will maintain your property for you until you return.

We have removed your valuable goods in your vault to prevent further vandalism.

We are excited to hear of your return!

EnigmaForceIV, Thane of Old Town
Title: Re: I'm Quishcraft and this is my story.
Post by: Tricia17997 on January 04, 2015, 01:30:07 AM
Wow Enigma, your texture pack is amazing! And welcome back Quish.
Title: Re: I'm Quishcraft and this is my story.
Post by: enigmaforceiv on January 05, 2015, 05:32:30 PM
Haha, John Legacy!

I updated the Old Town town post with it! :)