
Community => Introduce yourself => Topic started by: Mechclaw on November 11, 2015, 06:57:45 AM

Title: Mechclaw (Re-sub xp)
Post by: Mechclaw on November 11, 2015, 06:57:45 AM
Hey all, I'm Mech for all who don't know me. In real life, my name is Elijah Kelsey, and at the time of writing I am 12. I fancy myself as a builder, but hey, Prof is WAY better xD

So here is my story:

My mother broke up with my dad last year, and it has been INCREDIBLY hard on my Dad induring this, and we aren't coping too well, if im honest. We got evicted from our house, and we have until January 2016 to find a new rental to live in, and things may go to court because of some things our landlord violated.

I actually am what is called 'crippled' as my local doctor says, as I'm going to be in a wheelchair when i'm 28. This is because of my scholiosis, (A spinal defect which twists my back in some places) I have a cartlidge dificiency in my sacroiliac joint in my pelvis, (which means it feels like my legs are going to fall off :/ and it's more painful than a hip fracture in cold weather... ugh.) On top of these I have rheumatic arthritis, meaning my bones are extremely brittle, and all this actually kind of scares me. Crap.

But hey, Normally i'm quite happy, as being happy makes me sort of forget about all this, and I end up very happy while on Froobworld and talking to you guys. Remember Finnster01? (AKA my brother/Le_Gassy) If he had never joined, I wouldn't know you guys.

Well, That's my story. XD Just one of my 'defects' sounds pretty bad, but stick 'em all together and we have a catastrophe.
